Source code for attrs_mate.mate

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module implements:

- :class:`AttrsClass`
- :class:`LazyClass`

from typing import TypeVar, List, Union, Dict, OrderedDict, Any, Optional
import warnings
import collections
from datetime import date, datetime

import attr
import attr.validators as vs
import attrs

T = TypeVar("T")
K = TypeVar("K")
V = TypeVar("V")

[docs]@attrs.define class AttrsClass: """ A mixins class provideing more utility methods. """
[docs] @classmethod def keys(cls): """ Fieldname list. """ return [ for field in attr.fields(cls)]
[docs] def values(self): """ Value list. """ return [getattr(self, field_name) for field_name in self.keys()]
[docs] def items(self): """ Fieldname and value pair list. """ return list(zip(self.keys(), self.values()))
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert to dictionary. """ return attr.asdict(self)
[docs] def to_OrderedDict(self) -> OrderedDict[str, Any]: """ Convert to ordered dictionary. """ return attr.asdict(self, dict_factory=collections.OrderedDict)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict( cls, dct_or_obj: Union[Dict[str, Any], "AttrsClass", None], ) -> Union["AttrsClass", None]: """ Construct an instance from dictionary data. """ if isinstance(dct_or_obj, cls): return dct_or_obj elif dct_or_obj is None: return None elif isinstance(dct_or_obj, dict): return cls(**dct_or_obj) else: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError
[docs] @classmethod def from_list( cls, list_of_dct_or_obj: List[Union[Dict[str, Any], "AttrsClass", None]], ) -> List[Union["AttrsClass", None]]: """ Construct list of instance from list of dictionary data. """ if isinstance(list_of_dct_or_obj, list): return [cls.from_dict(item) for item in list_of_dct_or_obj] elif list_of_dct_or_obj is None: return list() else: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError
[docs] @classmethod def from_mapper( cls, map_of_dct_or_obj: Optional[ Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, Any], "AttrsClass", None]] ], ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[Dict[str, Any], "AttrsClass", None]]]: """ Construct dict of instance from dict of :class:`AttrsClass` liked data. It could be a dictionary, an instance of this class, or None. """ if isinstance(map_of_dct_or_obj, dict): return {k: cls.from_dict(v) for k, v in map_of_dct_or_obj.items()} elif map_of_dct_or_obj is None: return None else: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic Type # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def ib_generic(cls, type_: T, nullable=True, **kwargs): if "validator" not in kwargs: if nullable: kwargs["validator"] = vs.optional(vs.instance_of(type_)) else: kwargs["validator"] = vs.instance_of(type_) return attr.field(**kwargs) @classmethod def ib_str(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_generic(str, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_int(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_generic(int, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_float(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_generic(float, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_bool(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_generic(bool, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_date(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_generic(date, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_datetime(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_generic(datetime, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collection Type # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def ib_list(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_generic(list, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_tuple(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_generic(tuple, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_set(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_generic(set, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_dict(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_generic(dict, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # List of Generic Type # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def ib_list_of_generic(cls, member_type: T, nullable=True, **kwargs): if "validator" not in kwargs: if nullable: kwargs["validator"] = vs.optional( vs.deep_iterable( member_validator=vs.instance_of(member_type), iterable_validator=vs.instance_of(list), ) ) else: kwargs["validator"] = vs.deep_iterable( member_validator=vs.instance_of(member_type), iterable_validator=vs.instance_of(list), ) return attr.field(**kwargs) @classmethod def ib_list_of_str(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_list_of_generic(str, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_list_of_int(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_list_of_generic(int, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_list_of_float(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_list_of_generic(float, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_list_of_bool(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_list_of_generic(bool, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_list_of_date(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_list_of_generic(date, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) @classmethod def ib_list_of_datetime(cls, nullable=True, **kwargs): """ """ return cls.ib_list_of_generic(datetime, nullable=nullable, **kwargs) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dict of Generic Type # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @classmethod def ib_dict_of_generic( cls, key_type: K, value_type: V, nullable=True, value_nullable=True, **kwargs, ): """ """ if "validator" not in kwargs: if value_nullable: key_validator = vs.optional(vs.instance_of(key_type)) value_validator = vs.optional(vs.instance_of(value_type)) else: key_validator = vs.instance_of(key_type) value_validator = vs.instance_of(value_type) if nullable: kwargs["validator"] = vs.optional( vs.deep_mapping( key_validator=key_validator, value_validator=value_validator, ) ) else: kwargs["validator"] = vs.deep_mapping( key_validator=key_validator, value_validator=value_validator, ) return attr.field(**kwargs) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Nested Type # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def ib_nested(cls, **kwargs): """ Declare a field that is another :class:`AttrsClass`. .. note:: nested object has default value ``None``, so it has to put it after those attribute doesn't has default value. """ if "converter" not in kwargs: kwargs["converter"] = cls.from_dict if "validator" not in kwargs: kwargs["validator"] = vs.optional(vs.instance_of(cls)) if "default" not in kwargs: kwargs["default"] = None return attr.field(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def ib_list_of_nested(cls, **kwargs): """ Declare a field that is a list of other :class:`AttrsClass`. """ if "converter" not in kwargs: kwargs["converter"] = cls.from_list if "validator" not in kwargs: kwargs["validator"] = vs.deep_iterable( member_validator=vs.instance_of(cls), iterable_validator=vs.instance_of(list), ) if "factory" not in kwargs: kwargs["factory"] = list return attr.field(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def ib_map_of_nested( cls, key_type: K, nullable=True, value_nullable=True, **kwargs, ): """ Declare a field that is a mapper that key is any hashable value and value is instance of :class:`AttrsClass`. """ if "converter" not in kwargs: kwargs["converter"] = cls.from_mapper if "validator" not in kwargs: if value_nullable: key_validator = vs.optional(vs.instance_of(key_type)) value_validator = vs.optional(vs.instance_of(cls)) else: # pragma: no cover key_validator = vs.instance_of(key_type) value_validator = vs.instance_of(cls) if nullable: kwargs["validator"] = vs.optional( vs.deep_mapping( key_validator=key_validator, value_validator=value_validator, ) ) else: # pragma: no cover kwargs["validator"] = vs.deep_mapping( key_validator=key_validator, value_validator=value_validator, ) if "factory" not in kwargs: kwargs["factory"] = dict return attr.field(**kwargs)
DictClass = dict """ This might work too:: import weakref DictClass = weakref.WeakValueDictionary """
[docs]@attr.s class LazyClass(AttrsClass): """ Inheriting from this class gives you a factory method :meth:`LazyClass.lazymake`. It allows you to use the same API as the default ``__init__(*args, **kwargs)``, but using cache. You can implement your own ``uuid(self)`` property method like this. The uuid value will be used as the key for new instance:: class MyClass(LazyClass): ... @LazyClass.lazyproperty def uuid(self): return ... :class:`LazyClass.lazyproperty` is a decorator which is similar to the built-in ``property`` decorator, **but the returned value are automatically cached, and will be called only once**. Reference: - 8.10 使用延迟计算属性: - 8.25 创建缓存实例: .. deprecated:: 1.2.X introduced cached property >=3.8, which is better than this if <3.7, you can use """ _instance_cache = DictClass()
[docs] class lazyproperty(object): """ decorator for cached property method. Usage Example:: class User(object): def __init__(self, firstname, lastname): self.firstname = firstname self.lastname = lastname @LazyClass.lazyproperty def fullname(self): return "{} {}".format(self.lastname, self.firstname) """ def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __get__(self, instance, cls): warnings.warn( "deprecated, will be removed in 1.2.X, use cached_property instead", DeprecationWarning, ) if instance is None: # pragma: no cover return self else: value = self.func(instance) setattr(instance, self.func.__name__, value) return value
@lazyproperty def uuid(self): """ Return the custom uuid. :return: str / int, any hashable object. """ msg = "You have to implement the uuid property method!" raise NotImplementedError(msg) @lazyproperty def _classname(self): """ Returns class name string. """ return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] @classmethod def lazymake(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ A factory method to make an object, prefer to use cache. :param args: same argument as ``Class.__init__(*args, **kwargs)`` :param kwargs: same argument as ``Class.__init__(*args, **kwargs)`` """ obj = cls(*args, **kwargs) try: if obj.uuid in cls._instance_cache[obj._classname]: obj_from_cache = cls._instance_cache[obj._classname][obj.uuid] del obj return obj_from_cache else: cls._instance_cache[obj._classname][obj.uuid] = obj return obj except KeyError: cls._instance_cache[obj._classname] = DictClass([(obj.uuid, obj)]) return obj